Parental Authorization Form- School Activities
As part of the AFS application, participants and their parent(s)/guardian(s)s are asked to sign a form called the Parental Authorization Form. One of the clauses on this form states:
“…We authorize the AFS host parents for our son/daughter during their participation in the AFS Program to execute any authorization required by our son/daughter’s school to participate in any school-sponsored activities, events, or programs…”
This authorization form therefore gives you the right, as host parents, to sign school permission slips required for your hosted participant to take part in school activities, ONLY IF there is NO release/waiver/indemnity language. Please remember that as a host family you are NOT the legal guardian of the AFS hosted participant (nor is AFS), and you MUST make this clear if you are asked to sign any permission forms or other forms the school may send home. Before signing any school document, be sure to cross out the words, “parent or legal guardian” and write in “host parent.”
Host Parents as Signatories - Other Activities
As host parents, you are NOT the legal guardians of the hosted participant living in your home.
The participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s)s or legal guardians in their home country always retain this authority. As host parents you should not sign any document that requires the signature of their parent(s)/guardian(s)s, with the exception of school permission forms, provided they do NOT contain release/waiver/indemnity language.
Any forms that have release/waiver language should NEVER be signed by the host parents.
Click here for more information about Activity Waivers and Supplemental Waivers.