Belo USA is a travel operator based in Chicago specializing in cultural and educational tours for international exchange students. Belo USA has offered these opportunities to AFS-USA and other exchange organizations for more than 20 years. Belo USA has designed trips specifically for AFS-USA students. Belo USA has a great appreciation for the AFS-USA mission and the desire for our students to participate in activities that align with AFS-USA values. All trips will be chaperoned by Belo USA staff and an AFS-USA volunteer/staff depending upon availability.
2024 Belo Trip Offerings for AFS-USA students:
Hawaii Expedition: February 10 - 17, March 9 - 16, March 23 - 30
New York City: April 13 - 17
NYC, Philadelphia, and Washington DC: April 13 - 20
California Adventure: March 16 – 23
AFS-USA believes in the value of Belo Tours as an enhancement to our programs, the AFS-USA National Council has voted for these conditions for Belo Tours:
Travel waivers will be required for all trips. This is included in the Belo paperwork and sent to Belo, who share it with AFS-USA.
Student travel must be approved by the host parents, sending parents, the host school (if any school will be missed), the local Support Coordinator and AFS-USA.
Students must submit a request form approved by the Support Coordinator before they can sign up for a trip. Included in this request form is approval/acceptance by the Host Family.
Students should not purchase tickets until approval has been obtained from all designated parties.
Students can miss up to 5 days of school to travel on a Belo USA bus tour (upon receiving approvals as indicated above).
Host siblings are permitted to join the trips if they are 16 years of age or older.
Lastly, Belo USA is solely responsible for all refund requests. AFS-USA has no control over refund requests and will not provide input regarding Belo USA refund policies or requests.
Required Belo Forms for Student Travel
AFS-USA and Belo USA require specific forms to be completed for any students interested in participating in Belo USA Travel tours. Upon registering for a tour, Belo requests the Belo AFS Parents’ Authorization and Belo AFS Student Information Agreement and the AFS-USA Student Travel Waiver for Belo USA on behalf of AFS (our internal waiver). Travel with Belo may be denied on an individual basis if it is not in the best interest of the student to participate at that time. Examples for denial include conflict with host family plans, AFS obligations, school requirements or a student having adjustment or behavioral issues.
We are pleased to offer this special opportunity to our students. If you have any questions about the Belo programs, please contact Belo USA at 1-877-BELOUSA or via email at afs@belousa.com.
For AFS-specific travel and program policies, please contact a member of the Travel Team at